How Alita: Battle Angel & Buffy Summers Compare

How Alita: Battle Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Compare While I sat almost expecting to hate it… Seeing the trailer for Alita: Battle Angel while sitting in the theatre waiting to see Aquaman brought to life, was my first taste of the fandom. I had never heard of the manga before, so sitting down …

How To Photoshop With Art Director Ashevaili

How To Photoshop With Art Director Ashevaili The 18 year-old Art Director… Sierra Ashe Rottman aka Ashevaili in the art community is known for her illustrations in the beautiful tale, Lunora and the Monster King, and for her work in the Stars of Glass and Lunora comic series. She is also recognized as the mother …

Sea of Thieves Review

Sea of Thieves Review My throat went dry as I turned the ship… From shooting yourself into enemy ships to finding buried treasure—is Sea of Thieves worth it? Well, gamers that answer is complicated. At a glance the game looks beautiful with it’s vast horizons, opposing seas, frightening storms, and open world seascape filled with …